Thursday, September 17, 2009

100 things I want to do before I die list

Hello children!

Here is my list of 100 things I want to do before I die. . . I wrote this a while ago so I might have done some of then by now. =] lol.


1. Get baptized.
2. Get a dog
3. Get a cat
4. Meet Georgie Henley
5. Meet Julie Andrews
6. Get the lead in a play
7. Go to Hawaii.
8. Go to the Bahamas.
9. Go to Ireland.
10. Get a g-mail account.
11. Write a song.
12. Learn to play an instrument.
13. Learn sign language fully.
14. Graduate middle school. (lol)
15. Graduate high school.
16. Graduate college.
17. Get married.
18. Have kids.
19. Sing a solo.
20. Have my name in the newspaper.
21. Go to the Grand Canyon.
22. Write a book.
23. Eat a pizza with m’n’ms on it.
24. Read The Lord of the Rings.
25. Keep a diary and write in it every day for a year (I’ve been going since July 5th.)
26. Watch the Lord of the Rings movies.
27. Be in a movie.
28. Go back to California.
29. Do swimming competitively.
30. Win a trophy.
31. Get a blog (lol)
32. Have my own room.
33. Pet a squirrel.
34. Go to Kings Dominion.
35. Hike up a mountain.
36. Get a face book.
37. Get an iPod touch.
38. Influence someone’s life.
39. Knit a hat.
40. Learn Morse code.
41. Meet a celebrity.
42. Go on a cruise.
43. Go camping.
44. Stay up all night at a sleepover again.
45. Be in a wedding again.
46. Learn how to embroider.
47. Read the Space Trilogy.
48. Read Pride and Prejudice.
49. Get full bangs.
50. Read the Frank Peretti books when I’m not scared to, lol.
51. Finish the Love Comes Softly series.
52. Read Sense and Sensibility.
53. Read Emma.
54. Learn how to saddle a horse.
55. Make friends and influence people. (lol)
56. Go on a mission’s trip.
57. Go to an overnight camp.
58. Teach a class.
59. Get a car.
60. Learn to drive.
61. Be on the radio.
62. Go to a premiere of a movie.
63. Win a contest.
64. Have a little girl named Rachel.
65. Go to Worthy.
66. Get a picture on explore on flickr. =]
67. Get an SLR camera.
68. Get the editing program Lightroom.
69. Learn how to draw.
70. Go to a Christian band concert.
71. Successfully grow a flower.
72. Learn how to whistle.
73. Master the butterfly stroke.
74. Record a song.
75. Go to Four Corners.
76. Finish a color by number.
77. Learn how to ice skate.
78. See all the Star Wars movies.
79. See the day when all spiders go extinct.
80. Go to candy land.
81. Paint my fingernails red.
82. Go skiing.
83. Go snowboarding.
84. Buy something I see in an infomercial (lol)
85. Ride an elephant.
86. Go on a train.
87. Have a little girl named Ella.
88. Make a s’more.
89. Own a fish.
90. Catch a fish.
91. Learn how to read a face clock well.
92. Knit a sock.
93. Take caculus.
94. Go to Alaska.
95. Learn how to surf.
96. Go to Disneyland.
97. Go on a cross-country trip.
98. Go camping.
99. Learn to play the guitar.
100. Ride a dolphin.


Unknown said...

You didn't tell me you had a blog! =D

Jessica said...

Well I just made it today sooo . . =]

Kirstin Rose said...



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