Wednesday, September 23, 2009


So blogger is being annoying and not letting me upload my pics at the bottom, but anyway here they are =]
She's such a little model, =]


Ahhh I love running pics =]

cuteness =]

My bee-you-tiful little sister =]

Isn't she cute? =]

Awww. =]

The best book ever - Love's Long Journey

Hellooo everyone!

So today was MCI. I had Physical Science, Spanish 1, and Algebra 1. =] So now I am loaded up with homework . . .
Anyway, then Aimee and I went to swim coaching. It was the first day of our third year. =]

For the first hour, I coached these two cute little boys, Crosby and Sawyer. They were very smiley. =]

And then for the second hour, I had two little girls, Lucy and Isabelle and they are soooo cute!

So now I am very tired and doing writing homework.


1 comment:

Kimmy and Nikki said...

well helloo there!!!!!!!!!!!!! katie is sooo cute!!! :)


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